We are delighted that you are decided to stop by for a visit. As we developed this website, we had you in mind. We wanted to make sure we provided you with the information you need in order to get a good understanding of who we are. We are a Bible based Church using cutting edge efforts to win souls to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our ministry has been preaching the Gospel for over 20 years. We are on a mission to carry the Gospel. Formerly, Haitian Church of God, started by Rev. Elisee Ariste and his lovely wife, the late Mrs. Sylphane Jean Lestin in May 1997. After several divine revelations, In November 18, 2012 Pastor Ruben Ariste, who is an ordained minister was called by the Almighty God to take the flocks of Jesus Christ to a higher Spiritual Level. The church was incorporated in September 9, 2014 in the State of Maryland when it became officially the Church of God In Christ Christian Mission Inc (Eglise De Dieu En Christ Mission Chretienne).
Organized by His divine revelation and patterned after the primitive New Testament Church, the Church of God In Christ Christian Mission possesses true priesthood authorithy and spiritual gifts given by Jesus Christ for the purpose of spreading His Gospel to all "nations, tongues and people". Church of God In Christ Christian Mission is where the power of the Holy Spirit is demonstrated in our worship, praise, preaching and teaching experiences. As we spread the Gospel of Jesus christ, we embrace diversity. We are undenominational and have no central headquarters or president. The head of the church is none other than Jesus Christ Himself (Ephesians 1: 22-23).
Our prayer for you is that God of all grace anoints you with fresh oil and His precious Spirit illuminates His word as you read. On behalf of all the Church of God In Christ Christian Mission family, thank you for visiting us today.